Additional Assessments

The Additional Assessments page is where you can document more detailed Assessment information about specific body parts, burns, drains and tubes, obstetrics, and neuro, mental, and cardio conditions. You can add as many Assessments as needed and edit any that were already saved to the PCR.

We will look at the process of adding Additional Assessments to a PCR, and will go through each section available on the Additional Assessments page.

Watch the video below for an in-depth look at the Additional Assessments page.


Notes for creating and editing Assessments

  • Once you begin adding an Assessment you will see a Back button in the top left. The Back button functions like it does in a web browser, bringing you to the last screen you were on. Tapping it multiple times will continue bringing you to the previous screen until you are fully out of Additional Assessments and back to the Patient Care Report page.

  • Tap the chat icon to add comments to the examination. When comments have been saved to the examination, the chat icon will show a notification .

  • If your Command Facility has Assessment Defaults configured, you can tap Default in the lower left to add all those default values to the Assessment. Using this option will overwrite any previously documented values with your system defaults.

  • Tap Summary at any time to see a full summary of the current Assessment. The number in parenthesis is the number examinations documented for the current Assessment. Tap Delete to delete the entire Assessment. Tap Edit on the Summary screen to choose any Assessment section to modify. Once in edit mode, tap the stylus icon for a specific section to edit, or tap the radio button and then tap Delete to remove the section from the Assessment.

Create Assessments

On the Additional Assessments page, tap Create Assessment to begin documenting a new Assessment. Any Assessments already saved to the PCR will be listed numerically in the order they were added.

If there are any saved Assessments, a prompt will display asking if you want to start your next Assessment from all the examinations made in the last Assessment saved. If you select 'Yes', your new Assessment will be populated with all the information documented in the last Assessment added to the PCR (the Assessment with the highest numeric value).

Assessments consist of several sections. You can complete each section as needed and in any order.








Edit or Delete Assessments

From the main Additional Assessments page, you can swipe left on any existing Assessment and then tap Delete to remove it from the PCR.

You can also tap on any individual Assessment to see the Summary for that Assessment. The Summary page is organized by Assessment sections so you can quickly see all the examinations performed and the results.

Tap the date in the upper right to modify the date/time of the Assessment.

Tap Delete at the bottom to delete the entire Assessment.

Tap Edit to make changes to the Assessment. There are multiple things you can do in edit mode.

  • While in edit mode, tap the radio button next to any Assessment section, and then tap Delete to remove that section from the Assessment.

  • While in edit mode, tap the stylus icon for a specific section to go to that section for editing.

    • Editing an Assessment works the same as creating an Assessment, the only difference is that data will already be saved in the Assessment. You can modify or delete any of the saved data, and can document new findings in any of the Assessment sections.

    • When you are finished making changes, tap Summary to go back to the Summary page, or tap Back until you are back to the main Assessments page or back to the Patient Care Report page.


Continue to the Narrative page or go back to the Patient Care Report landing page.